More personal software is our permanent goal. This means that more people should be concerned with cryptography. We think that the encoding of cryptographic algorithms important step in it.\nIn this paper, our choice is encoding operation “Point addition and Point doubling” on an Eliptic curve, over finite field Fp (E(FP))- where p is odd prime, in order to intensify interest in ECC-Elipse curve cryptography.
The present paper highlights aspects upon the stage reached by some possible trends of development of tourism in the Danube Delta, established in different studies and researches, as well as suggestions in successfully reaching them in order to eliminate dysfunction. Agritourism, as an economic activity has gained its recognition and importance in the national economy because of the social role it plays due to the natural resources potential and also to the species biodiversity that are to be found in our country\'s waters. In some isolated areas, such as the Danube Delta and the Danube Plain, fishing and agritourism are the main activities that provide jobs and income sources for local populations.
The article is devoted to the history of the establishment and operation of institutions of higher education for minorities that existed in 1920-1930s.: the Communist University for the Toilers of the East, the Communist University of the Toilers of China and the Communist University of National Minorities of the West. The reasons and prerequisites of their appearance, distinctive features are analyzed. The aims and objectives, structure, curriculum, student and faculty dates of the universities are considered. This article uses historical documents, not previously introduced to the scientific revolution.
Data clustering is the process of partitioning data objects into a number of clusters. Clustering is one of the most important tasks in data mining. K-means (KM) clustering algorithm is an iterative and well known distance based clustering method. KM is a hard competitive learning algorithm that has two main drawbacks. KM is sensitive to cluster centers initialization, and is easily trapped in local optima. Fuzzy K-means (FKM) clustering solves the problem of initialization in KM but it also easily converges at local optima. In this paper, we proposed a new clustering algorithm called ICAFKM based on Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and FKM algorithm which combined the advantageous aspects of ICA and FKM. ICA is a new global search algorithm that introduced for dealing with different optimization tasks. ICA has shown great performance in both convergence rate and better global optimal achievement. Our proposed ICAFKM algorithm helps the FKM to escape from local optimal and has high convergence speed. We compared the proposed ICAFKM with PSOFKM (Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and FKM) algorithm and reported experimental results on well-known data sets demonstrate the high efficiency of the ICAFKM algorithm.
Evolving a logo design using Lindenmayer system.postscript and grammatical evolution
Creativity in Logo designing, one of the main indicators of graphic includes principles which are innate and intuitional to many graphic designers. But presupposition of this abstract is on the basis of acquirable creativity. The question is how strategies can be made to create visual ideas; creativity is put into challenge practically and academically.\nIn fact, the study of scientific and academic strategies to create different kinds of Logos out of ideas is the main objective of this paper. To this end, the author has tried to study this subject matter by the expert opinion and firsthand sources. This paper reviews definitions, aesthetic principals, creativity and some strategies theoretically.
The present study attempts to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and students’ thinking styles in school district 13 of Tehran. The target population included all the high school students in this area 200 of which were selected for the purpose of this study. The method of this study was descriptive and correlational.The data were collected by field study and questionnaire. A questionnaire was used to measure the participants’ emotional intelligence which had 19 questions. In order to investigate the participants’ thinking styles, Sternberg and Wagner’s thinking styles inventory was used which has 40 questions and measures five thinking styles (legislative, judicial, executive, outward, inward). The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive (frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient, chi2, dependent-samples t-test). Reliability of the emotional intelligence questionnaire was found to be 0.78.The results showed that there was a meaningful relationship between emotional intelligence and thinking styles of boy and girl students; there was a difference between boys and girls in thinking style; there was also a significant difference between the two groups in emotional intelligence. The results pointed to the conclusion that emotional intelligence can highly influence thinking style. Therefore, authorities are recommended to arrange for proper training and educational programsin this regard for students to help them control their emotional intelligence and take appropriate measures forselecting the right thinking style.