The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of fruit consumption and physical activity on decrease of lung functions caused by smoking. This study was carried out on 303 healthy males aged 16-72 years. Smoking, fruit consumption and physical activity characteristics of the subjects were determined with an inquiry. Vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVı), FEVı/FVC, peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of forced vital capacity (FEF25-75) were measured using Pony Spirometer (Cosmed, Italy). According the results of the inquiry, the subjects were divided into 8 groups: 1) Non-smoking, sedentary, not consuming fruit (control= C); 2) Non-smoking, sedentary, consuming fruit (F); 3) Non-smoking, exercising, not consuming fruit (E); 4) Non-smoking, exercising, consuming fruit (EF); 5) Smoking, sedentary, not consuming fruit (S); 6) Smoking, sedentary, consuming fruit SF); 7) Smoking, exercising, not consuming fruit (SE); 8) Smoking, exercising , consuming fruit (SEF). Smoking groups had lower respiratory functions than non-smoking ones. S had imaller FEVı, FEVı/FVC and FEF25-75 values than C; SE had smaller PEF and FEVı hıes than E; SF had smaller FEVı and FEF25-75 values than F; and SEF had smaller 7YC, FEVı and FEF25-75 values than EF. The test values of the fruit consuming groups were found to be greater than those of non-consuming ones. FEF25-75 value of the F was -ıgher than C, FEVI/FVC and FEF25-75 values of the SF were higher than S. The combined effects of fruit consumption and physical activity on respiratory functions were synergetic. EF had greater FVC and FEVı values than F. The FEVı and PEF values of SEF vvere found to be higher than SF and SE, respectively. in conclusion, fruit consumption and/or physical activity nıay prevent, at least delay, the harmful effects of smoking on lung functions. Therefore, it will be useful to consume fruits frequently and/or exercise for those persons who are in diffıculty or refuse to quit smoking.