This study aims to analyze the relationship between internal governance mechanisms and risk-taking by banks in\nTunisia. Empirical analyzes conducted from a sample of 10 Tunisian banks during an analysis period of 8 years\nfrom 2002 to 2009, also show significant results. Indeed, the concentration of capital and the size of banks have\nnegative impact and highly significant risk on banks. In addition, Tunisian banks are foreign owned and tend to\ntake less risk than other banks. As for the participation of the state in the capital, it has increased the risk in\nTunisian banks. In addition, the size of the board has a positive and highly significant impact on bank risks, while\nthe proportion of institutional administrators on the board is negatively and significantly related to the risk.
Detection of Malicious behaviour or compromised node before transmitting the data packets in pervasive computing is quite a big challenge. This Paper presents an Intelligent Malicious Behaviour Detection Model (IMBDM) on a self-detection scheme. We investigated that by using probabilistic methodology in MANET, a node is able to detect the malicious behaviour of a neighbour by forwarding the RREQ. Our proposed artificial Intelligence detection model is also proficient to (1) manage the malicious counter if any neighbour node acts as malicious, (2) for crystal detection our proposed protocol also manages queue information for controlling minimum packet loss ratio and adopts the next optimum path, and (3) to real time dynamic path selection on the basis of minimum Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). In simulation experiments, we achieved the expected results for fair malicious behaviour detection.
Whether it is considered a new offense or partly a special form of the offense of\nbodily harm of the Criminal Code in force, one thing is certain that the offense of harm of\nthe fetus has the role to complete the legal frame for the protection of the fetus and the\nanalysis of the active subject of this offense is important from the perspective of knowing\nfrom whom the fetus is being protected by the means of the criminal law.
The diurnal dynamics of the vertical distribution of zooplankton was studied in Bhoj Wetland, Bhopal. Vertical distribution of the zooplankton community in general showed a clear diurnal variation in the water columnof a typical stratified lake.Zooplankton concentration was found to be high at the surface layer during night hours with peak abundance around the middle of the night and another peak was observed just before sunrise, followed by a rapid nadir after sunrise. Zooplankton can offset the loss of daytime foraging opportunity by moving up into the water column to graze at night, when predation by visual predators is greatly reduced and it can be also attributed to light intensity which is responsible for vertical migration during the twenty four hour cycles.Among different classes, cladocerans and the copepod showed nocturnal migration conversely rotifers, had a relatively uniform distribution throughout the water column. Out of the twenty three species, Bosmina species and Cyclops species ascended at night and descended during day hours,however, Keratella cochlearis showed uniformity in distribution throughout the water columnduring the study.
Assembly lines are special flow-line production systems which are of great importance in the industrial mass production. Since total working time of a product in most industrial factories dealing with heating products is important because of its costs, this paper introduces the effect of task deterioration in to the total working time of a product in assembly line. Task deterioration means that a task processed later consumes more time than the same task when it is processed earlier. The aim is to find an optimal schedule of tasks in the workstations so as to minimize total working time of a product for a given number of stations and given upper bound for the cycle time. For this aim a mathematical model is proposed. According to complexity of the considered problem a genetic algorithm is developed to deal with the problem in lager scales. At the end several well-known examples are solved and the results proved that the deterioration will affect both cycle time and working time, simultaneously in a straight assembly line.
Head injuries are one of the main causes of death or permanent invalidity in everyday life. The\nmain purpose of the present work is to build and validate a numerical model of human head in\norder to evaluate pressure and stress distributions in bones and brain tissues due to impact.\nFurthermore, the Head Injury Criterion (HIC) and the recently proposed Head Impact Power\n(HIP) criterion were evaluated with respect to the relative motion between the skull and the\nbrain. It was found that the influence of impact direction had a substantial effect on the intracranial response. Geometrical characteristics for the finite element model have been\nextracted from CT and MRI scanner images, while material mechanical characteristics have been\ntaken from literature. The analysis is performed using the program Ansys 3D to evaluate the risk\nof head injury in impact. The model is validated by comparing the numerical results and the\nexperimental results obtained by Nahum in 1977.
Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the main causes of death or permanent\ninvalidity which can occur unexpectedly in both military and civilian populations.\nThe purpose of this effort is to conduct a combined Eulerian-Lagrangian non-linear dynamics\ncomputational analysis of the interaction between a single planar blast wave and a human head in\norder to assess the extent of intra-cranial shock wave generation and its potential for causing\ntraumatic brain injury. In this paper, an LS-DYNA three dimensional transient modal dynamic\nfinite element analysis was performed of a simplified brain model surrounded by cerebral spinal\nfluid and skull. Viscoelastic material parameters of the brain tissue were obtained from open\nliterature. The localized response parameters predicted by the head model will be analyzed and\ncompared between various loading conditions.