Title Three Great Jean in Education: Views of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget about learner – centered (oriented) education
KeywordsKeywords: Lerner-Oriented Education, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget
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Title Supplementary CaCl2 ameliorates wheat tolerance to NaCl
Paper ID 9GeFO
Keywordsan¬tioxidants, alternative oxidase, CaCl2, salinity, tolerance, wheat
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Title Molecular Cloning and expression of α-Amylase Gene of Human pancreatic amylase in Escherichia coli
Paper ID XLocM/NA
Keywordsα-Amylase , pancreatic juice, human physiology, salvia
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Title Molecular Cloning and expression of α-Amylase Gene of Human pancreatic amylase (amy2A)in Escherichia coli
Paper ID shUtf/NA
Keywordsα-Amylase , pancreatic juice, human physiology, salvia
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Title Stress distribution of biomechanical analysis in three-dimentional finite element model, posterior spinal implants, pedicular screw, rod and hook
Paper ID 3XGey/NA
KeywordsSpine biomechanics; Pedicular screw; Hook; Finite element method; Spinal implant; Stress analysis
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Title Wintering Population Status of the Great Bustard Otis Tarda in Mokryan, Northwestern Iran
Paper ID N07Iy/NA
KeywordsWintering population, Great Bustard Otis tarda, Mokryan, Iran
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Title Finite element modeling of the human head under impact conditions
Paper ID WeVer/NA
KeywordsImpact force, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Finite element Analysis, Von Mises stress, Viscoelastic material, Ansys.
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